All-Breeds Declared Horses

Barock Pinto Association Usa (105867)

The following horses have been declared for the All-Breeds award program with the above registry. If your horse does not appear on this list, a declaration for the All-Breeds award program has not been made with this registry. Complete declaration instructions are available at the following link

Horse Name USDF # Current Year Score Check
Buddy van de Stamberg 1141804 Current Year Score Check
Fabe BP 41 1142894 Current Year Score Check
FOC's Rooster 1062326 Current Year Score Check
Frederik BP33 1150294 Current Year Score Check
Gambo BP 46 1148083 Current Year Score Check
Ghostster 1148549 Current Year Score Check
Grandioos FB 23 1157982 Current Year Score Check
Haike BP54 1157922 Current Year Score Check
Heirmez 1163692 Current Year Score Check
Hyperdrive 1129422 Current Year Score Check
Roy 1157888 Current Year Score Check

Total Number Of Horses: 11