All-Breeds Declared Horses
Barock Pinto Association Usa (105867)
The following horses have been declared for the All-Breeds award program with the above registry. If your horse does not appear on this list, a declaration for the All-Breeds award program has not been made with this registry. Complete declaration instructions are available at the following link
Horse Name | USDF # | Current Year Score Check |
Buddy van de Stamberg | 1141804 | Current Year Score Check |
Fabe BP 41 | 1142894 | Current Year Score Check |
FOC's Rooster | 1062326 | Current Year Score Check |
Frederik BP33 | 1150294 | Current Year Score Check |
Gambo BP 46 | 1148083 | Current Year Score Check |
Ghostster | 1148549 | Current Year Score Check |
Grandioos FB 23 | 1157982 | Current Year Score Check |
Haike BP54 | 1157922 | Current Year Score Check |
Heirmez | 1163692 | Current Year Score Check |
Hyperdrive | 1129422 | Current Year Score Check |
Roy | 1157888 | Current Year Score Check |
Total Number Of Horses: 11