If I’m not crying on the way to work after a lesson, I really don’t feel as if I’ve gotten my money’s worth.”
Karina Lyons smiles as she says this, yet it’s clear her comment isn’t entirely tongue-in-cheek.
The Los Angeles-based adult amateur and USDF bronze medalist is unstinting in her self-discipline, getting up at 5:00 on most mornings to ride, and then it’s back to the barn after work. A few years ago, she made time in her schedule to go through the USDF “L” Education Program.
“I put a lot of time and effort into this,” Lyons says of her sport. “I’m not going to the Olympics, but at the same time I want to learn as much as I can.” That’s why she appreciates dressage instructors who can match her dedication—even if it makes for a grueling lesson.